
Well, we’re heading out to Duluth today after work. We’re leaving a little early, because we’re both excited to get up there. We can’t wait to have a relaxed weekend doing fun stuff to keep our minds off of this crazy wait. We’re staying with my brother and sister-in-law, so we’ll eat good food, drink good wine, read good books, do a little hiking, and meet up with C&R for a swim with the girlies (my nieces). Water slides, here I come! I am a big fan of waterparks.


We’re praying that the call comes VERY SOON. I’ve been doing much better since the ginormous meltdown I had Tuesday night. Let’s hope (for Dave’s sake) that I have no more freak outs until we get the call. Then we’ll both freak out in a good way 🙂

3 responses to “D-Town

  1. Have a good time and really relax. I know it’s easier to say than do, sorry that’s all I’ve got right now that may help.

  2. Hi. My name is Lenae and I have been reading your blog for awhile because I was looking for blogs of those adopting from the Philippines. My husband and I are missionaries in the Philippines and we have lived here over 15 years. We just were recently placed with a 7 year old girl from a children’s home here after an 18 month wait. I just want to encourage you that it is highly unlikely that anything is wrong with your adoption process. Things just work terribly slow here. We have been dealing with the Department of Social Welfare here that deals will all government adoptions. Every step can be painfully slow. You would think that everyone would want to get these children placed with their new families ASAP, but unfortunately that is not the case. It is not the nature of Filipinos to be in a hurry for anything and I know that ICAB is like this too. Every step takes longer than you would think. So I don’t tell you this to depress you, but I tell you this from first hand experience is that it will all come together, but the bureacracy makes things happen at a snail’s pace. I had to chuckle when you said the call to the embassy left you more confused. That is so TYPICAL!!!! So hang in there. It is just happening on Filipino time. He will be with you soon.

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